Backing up email after 45 days

Jun 13, 2010
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Due to email mailbox limitations at work, all items older than 45 days in the Inbox and Sent Items (only those two folders) are automatically archived on a rolling basis.

We use an enterprise archive system at work, so these emails are not archived to a local .pst file, but are backed up to tape. Therefore restoring emails is a convoluted process.

I have numerous rules setup to filter incoming items, so if I lose emails in the Inbox I'm not particularly concerned.

However, I would like to backup my Sent Items folder. So,
1. Is there a way I can apply a rule to Sent Items older than 45 days?
2. If not, is there a way I can copy each Sent Item to another folder called, for example, 'Sent Items Bak'?

I'd prefer the former solution as it would avoid duplication, but am happy with latter too. Would appreciate any suggestions.


PS - We use Outlook 2003.