You would have to image the hard drive using third party software such as
Acronis or Paragon or even Ghost. Depending upon the amount of disk space
your current XP installation takes the imaging software - acronis and ghost
in particular - can compress the data to fit onto a DVD. If the software
cannot shrink the image to fit on a DVD it will usually offer to 'span' the
image file over a number of CD's or DVD. This is by far the simlest method
of backing up the whole drive.
In my case i have a triple boot system, XP Home, XP Pro and Vista. Each
system is imaged and stored on DVD. However, XP Pro (because this is the
operating system i use from day to day) is also backed up to a seperate
partition on my hard drive. If i need to re-install XP Pro (via an Image)
then i usually boot up to Windows XP Home, run Acronis or Ghost and then
re-image the XP Pro drive back. You would be able to do a similar thing with
your USB drive 'if' you had a dual boot system. As you don't have a dual
boot system you would have to rely upon the imaging software's DOS based
recovery CD. In this instance i'm not sure if the USB drive would be
accessible. If this is the case you would not be able to access the image
file. You would, however, be able to access an image from a DVD or CD.
John Barnett MVP
Associate Expert
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