Background sounds

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I would like to use a song as a background sound. Is it possible to have the
song playing continuously as a person peruses my site? It seems like the
only way I can do it is where it would restart at each page change but I
would think there would be a way to just have it on continous play. I know
there is a loop option, but that is on each page...hope that makes sense.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Hope said:
I would like to use a song as a background sound. Is it possible to
have the song playing continuously as a person peruses my site? It
seems like the only way I can do it is where it would restart at each
page change but I would think there would be a way to just have it on
continous play. I know there is a loop option, but that is on each
page...hope that makes sense.

Thanks in advance for your help.

You can set up a framed site.
The frameset contains two frames , one very small (invisible) which contains
the sound, the other which is your real page. All links in the site then
link back to this second frame .

I am not sure it is recommended by the experts but I am told it works
Hi Trevor,

Thanks for the reply, but I am not sure I understand. If the "Invisible"
frame contains only the sound, how do I make it start when the site is
visited? And then, you are saying it will continue playing uninterrupted as
visitors go from page to page?

Frames are treated like separate pages, and only the target frame changes
when a link is selected. All the pages (frames) load when the sire is
opened, but only the target frame changes when a link is selected. Normally,
one frame is used for side and/or top graphics and nav, and the main frame
is the body of the viewed page.

If you use frames, the entire site must be in frames. Suggest reading the
help docs on frames. Also suggest you re-consider having a continuous sound
loop unless you don't expect people to remain on your site for long. It can
be pretty irritating for some people to hear the same thing looped over and
Ok, I think I get you. Let me ask you this...

I am trying to have one song play all the way through. Perhaps it would be
wiser to post the song as a link that would open in a person's media player
of choice. That way it would be up to each person rather than having them
forced to listen. (I hate when I have music playing and go to a site that
has's irritating to me, too.) That being said, would I need to do
something special to a link to make it an audio file or something?

Thanks in advance and I apologize for my inexperience.
MP3 works fine, just link to the file. I don't think that an embedded wav
should never be used, but you need to keep in mind how it will be perceived
by the visitor. And it will re-play every time they return to that page.
Again with frames, it could be made to play just once through.
But it's probably not a good enough reason to totally commit to frames.
Hope said:
Hi Trevor,

Thanks for the reply, but I am not sure I understand. If the
"Invisible" frame contains only the sound, how do I make it start
when the site is visited? And then, you are saying it will continue
playing uninterrupted as visitors go from page to page?


There have been other replies while I slept and did other things during the
day (in Australia).

But yes, if you do use frames (some replies say maybe don't) then the
"invisible" frame contains the code to play the sound. It may be invisible
but not inaudible. And it will keep playing because it isn't closed. The
rest of the site is opened in another frame.