Hi denmast,
Thanks for your post.
Can you provide some detailed information about where you want to display
the background image on MDI container? I think Form's Icon should be the
best place for logo image, especially for small logo image. If you want to
place at this place, we can use Form.Icon property.
If you want to display the logo image on the background, we can first find
the MdiClient on the MDI container, then set its BackgroundImage property.
Please refer to the link below:
"34.8 How can I change the background of my MDI Client container?"
However, BackgroundImage property will do tiling for the image, which is
not what you wanted. Then I suggest you place a PictureBox control on the
MDI container, then use it Image property to display the logo image. But
the MDI child form may overlay this picturebox, so I still think Icon
property should be a suitable place.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Jeffrey Tan
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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