Background Compilcation in C#

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Hello everyone

Coming from a JAVA and Eclipse background, one feature that I miss in is background compilation for C# projects
Otherwise I simply love

Is there any plugin or add-in so that I can use background compilation

Many Thanks
How long does it take you to compile a C# project? I have a solution that
has 33 projects and about a zillion lines of code and it takes about 20
seconds to build (about 75 seconds to rebuild all). I'm not suggesting it
wouldn't be useful at all, but I'm guessing that it would only be marginally
useful for many developers.

Mickey Williams
Author, "Microsoft Visual C# .NET Core Reference", MS Press

Hari said:
Hello everyone,

Coming from a JAVA and Eclipse background, one feature that I miss in is background compilation for C# projects.

No, right now, there is not. However, in future versions, this might be
done. Much of the documentation about Whidbey right now indicate that the
IDE is tied into the compiler for a number of things (Intellisense,
refactoring, etc, etc), which would make it easy to provide such a feature.

Hope this helps.
The intellisense engine itself does a parse and does report syntax errors
'on the fly'. Those are the little red squiggles. The compiler then only
has to do semantic checking (and parsing of files not opened in the editor),
and that gives you the blue squiggles.
How long does it take you to compile a C# project? I have a solution that
has 33 projects and about a zillion lines of code and it takes about 20
seconds to build (about 75 seconds to rebuild all). I'm not suggesting it
wouldn't be useful at all, but I'm guessing that it would only be marginally
useful for many developers.

Try using Eclipse for a while - saving every minute or so just becomes
second nature, because that compiles (in the background as of the
recent V3 milestones) and does so very quickly (due to a great
incremental compiler).

It's one of those features I was skeptical about before using it, but
really got used to...
I agree John, that's why I so badly wanted this feature in Visual C# too

Unfortunate that I can't get it :
