Background Color change in query

  • Thread starter Thread starter cowichandave
  • Start date Start date


Access 2007. In running a query the resulting table has a grey background. I
created a pushbutton to run the query and output results to an excel
spreadsheet and the grey background also transfers to excel. How do I turn
background colors off or change to no color.
I am using a macro with Outputto which I have attached to a pushbutton.

It appears that this transfers all the query table properties as they appear
on the screen (font type and size and background cell color)

As a new user, I have not been able to find out how to change those
properties on the query itself. It also apperars that Outputto is limited as
to modifying font type size and cell color.

How would one accomplish this easist way for an inexperienced user and if
using code where would it be placed?

All I want as the end result is the excel table to be Arial 10 and no
background color. Presently it is Calibi 10 with gray background
The Template option only works for HTML files.

You could use the Auto Start option and have a macro in Excel reformat things.

I don't know if the Output Quality options make any difference.
The problem with that is the file is replaced each time the query is run so
the macro in excel is destroyed. Is there a way to add a query to an existing
file without overwriting it, maybe to have the query append an existing file
for example starting in line 4 or wherever row the data begins so that each
time the query is run then existing data would be overwritten but the macro
would remain and reformat the new data?

Is that a reasonable solution.