This is not the typical how do I secure the backend with user level, I
already have that done and frontend, etc. I was just wondering if anyone has
have disabled the shift on the backend? I know silly question.
The reason I ask is because the backend is on a shared drive, which has to
be accessible for people to use. I have all tables secured for who can view
them, but there is one everyone has access to, which is the employee table.
My only concern is that if someone were to open the backend and view that
table, it has everyone's SS#'s, although most people who have access already
have access to that information, there are a few who do not.
One solution would be just to separate that out on it's own table and secure
that table, but I was wondering if anyone had ever just turned off the
startup and disabled the shift to the backend, making a copy before of
course? I didn't know how that would work since that data always changed but
you could import the tables into your shift enabled if you had to make
changes to the tables.
already have that done and frontend, etc. I was just wondering if anyone has
have disabled the shift on the backend? I know silly question.
The reason I ask is because the backend is on a shared drive, which has to
be accessible for people to use. I have all tables secured for who can view
them, but there is one everyone has access to, which is the employee table.
My only concern is that if someone were to open the backend and view that
table, it has everyone's SS#'s, although most people who have access already
have access to that information, there are a few who do not.
One solution would be just to separate that out on it's own table and secure
that table, but I was wondering if anyone had ever just turned off the
startup and disabled the shift to the backend, making a copy before of
course? I didn't know how that would work since that data always changed but
you could import the tables into your shift enabled if you had to make
changes to the tables.