The NTBackup program is a highly stripped down version of a program called
Backup MyPC which originated with Veritas then went to Stomp Inc and is now
distributed through Roxio. No loss for you not having it as the NTBackup
program cannot burn directly to CD or DVD anyway. You have to save the file
to a billion floppies, or to a tape drive or hard drive first and then burn
the backup to disc. The NTBackup program that ships with Windows is for the
most part useless to home users. In addition to not being able to burn
directly to CD or DVD it can not split large files it creates into smaller
chunks so you can manually span a file across multiple CD's, it cannot
create an Automated System Recovery backup to recover your system state and
it is not backward compatible with earlier version of the same program.
Little wonder some OEM's choose to not include it. You'd be better off with
a decent backup program like the full version of Backup MyPC or a program
like Acronis TrueImage. These can backup to optical media, can span disc,
can create full system restore images and can be scheduled. Yes they cost a
few dollars but isn't your backups worth the cost?
Harry Ohrn MS MVP [Shell\User]
p said:
I have XP Home pre-installed by Dell. I also have from Dell a
DVD. Unfortunately, I cannot back-up data onto a CD. I follow the
instructions to add the utility and all goes well as far as double
the Valueadd folder and then Msft but no Ntbackup appears. Any suggestions
where I might be going wrong, please.