Back to work

Apr 19, 2008
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For those of you that read my post a couple of weeks ago about been suspended fom work pending investigation..Well the good news is i'm back to work on Monday..I got a call late last night to inform me that the lady in question who had made the complaint had resigned, or more to the point walked out of her job, as it looked like everybody had sided with me....To bl**dy right they did, cause I hadn't done owt wrong...

So really looking forward to it, although I can just see the back log of repairs that are awaiting me...Ah well all is good..
Hooray common sense prevails for once..:nod: :thumb:

So pleased mate...Bl***y idiots like that! theres no place in the world for em, and its getting smaller all the time..

Hope your not gonna take that desktop from your screen...Its your right to have what you want on your pc screen as a desktop..Bl***y do-gooders..
crazylegs said:
Hooray common sense prevails for once..

So pleased mate...Bl***y idiots like that! theres no place in the world for em, and its getting smaller all the time..

Hope your not gonna take that desktop from your screen...Its your right to have what you want on your pc screen as a desktop..Bl***y do-gooders..

I for sure will not be taking it off..It is there to stay..I feel sorry for the next company she goes to work for..Despite all this happening, I think her not been there is going to give the team a bit of a knock, she was pure genious when it came to owt computer related..Ask her and she knew..And she was a pretty dab hand and opening up laptops..Just a shame she tried to make something out of nothing...