Well had a bit of a hangover on Sunday & today had an minor operation on my back.
All went OK, apart from having 4 stitches & a bit of a hole now on my back.
Off work till probably next Tuesday at the earliest, but will know more on Friday.
So it's back to crunching and surfing & the odd bit of telly.
Anyone got any good programs i should watch on BBC/Sky?
And had Royal been watching today's commandos going through training, not like in his day!!!
All went OK, apart from having 4 stitches & a bit of a hole now on my back.
Off work till probably next Tuesday at the earliest, but will know more on Friday.
So it's back to crunching and surfing & the odd bit of telly.
Anyone got any good programs i should watch on BBC/Sky?
And had Royal been watching today's commandos going through training, not like in his day!!!