Back to full capacity!


Kingsize Crunchie
Sep 13, 2004
Reaction score
After about 12 months of running off a slow laptop, I'm back to my desktop....which means more WCG time!
It may not be the fastest desktop, and is showing it's age a bit now, but my scores should show a marked improvement from recent results.

:cheers:Here's to moving up the table for a change!!!!!!
Nice one BigJay :D

See you at the top :thumb:

Never going to happen.
I upgrade very rarely, and then with a nice cheap offer so I'll never be at the cutting edge of crunching power and technology!
Just happy to be helping:wave:
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Hello BigJay.:thumb:
We all crunch on what we can, taking part is the biggest thing you can do.:bow:
It is the taking part that is important, every little helps. I am going to have to back off a bit as so far my PC has been running 24/7 and just had the bill from the electricity supplier and will only crunch when I am on the PC in future.;)