Back from here and there.


Sep 30, 2005
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Sorry I missed the big launch and the free beer at the party.
Been a bit busy working and spending the last 5 weekends over in York looking after me mum after she had a stroke. She has made a good recovery and is almost back to her usual annoying self though. Gave me quite a turn it did but she is 85 so she ain't had a bad run for her money.
Also me car needed some heavy duty repairs before that an before that the winter weather took up me time an inbetween I have been busy installing a new Arch os.

But I'm back now :dance::cheers:
Good to see you around :). I'm pleased to hear you mum is doing better :thumb:
Cheers guys. Was a worry. Not the fact that the old gal might kick the bucket. More that she might have ended up a dribbling immobile dummy, that would have broken me heart.
Welcome home AB.:wave: Sorry to hear about your Mum being poorly, but great news that she is making a good recovery. :thumb: