back-end security

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Hi. I createed a security for my front-end. I create the MDW file and for the
front end I think there's no problem. but what about my back end? I tried to
joined the front-end workgroup but it's not working, if I click two times
into back-end it automatically opens.

was not supposed to ask for a password?

Regards in advance,
Hi Marco,

Once you join the frontend workgroup, you need to create a new mdb; at this
point you should be prompted for a username/password. If you aren't, then
you may not be joined to your secure workgroup.

Another idea...Just launch your secure frontend (that should prompt you for
a username/pwd if you're using a desktop shortcut). Now hit Ctrl-N and
create a new mdb. Then import all the objects from the backend and proceed
to secure it.
Hi Joan. Thanks.

But did not all the rest off the databases use that MDW? Because I open the
back-end and I manually joined to that MDW but the rest of databases start to
use that workgroup.

Why? Shouldn't only the back-end use that workgroup file?

No. A workgroup file applies to the Access session, not the database.
There is always a workgroup file used, even in unsecured mdb files.

Out of the box, Access uses system.mdw, a workgroup file that ships with it.
It silently logs you in as the 'Admin' user. Every system.mdw has the Admin
User (and the Users Group) in common. So anyone can open your unsecure mdb,
since 'Admin' (the common user) owns everything and has permissions to

When you secure a mdb, you create a new workgroup file, and using it, you
remove all permissions for the Admin User and the Users Group. The
permissions are stored in the mdb itself. When someone tries to open it
using system.mdw, they can't because 'Admin' doesn't have any permissions.

When you start Access, it will use the workgroup file that is set as the
default. Normally one would leave the default set to system.mdw, and use a
desktop shortcut to launch secure databases. The desktop shortcut would use
the /wrkgrp switch to specify a secure mdw, which would over-ride the
default system.mdw for that session of Access. Opening Access without the
shortcut, would continue to use the system.mdw as that is set as the

I suggest you use the workgroup administrator to set system.mdw as your
default. Use a desktop shortcut to launch secure databases.