Back Button Question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pike
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Would anyone know why using the back button brings me an expired page,
constantly, even when I was just there?

I have Wxp with SP2 and IE 6 with all updates and fixes and patches as of

Alos, I have MS as my start up page/home page and it started showing the
right side of the page blank, where all the links for hotmail, messenger, my
MSM, etc are located. Sometimes the page were be proper and other times,
blank on the right side. By accident I found that all the items, buttons,
etc that were located on the right side of the page is now on the left, but,
at the bottom of the left side. Its a puzzling thing.

Has this happened to anyone else and does anyone know what might be causing

OK, PA Bear, so, you think I did it messing with my settings?

I will be reading that link you provided in greater detail.
I got sidetracked with that other problem that is now fixed.
