Back Button Grays Out

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Whenever I click on a link that takes me to a Web site outside of site I was
on, the back button grays out and I can't get back. I have to close IE and
re-launch it. I am running Windows XP, and three of my family members have
user accounts set up and they don't have this problem. Any thoughts?
When this happens, look at the Quick Lauch bar ( to the right of Start ). If
you see a tab that is a different color than the others ( usually darker ),
this is the currently open window. Right click it, then click close and you
should return to the previous page.
Hi The Booth :-)

Internet Browsing

Grayed out Buttons and Menu Items that Don't Work:

It is a convention in many Windows programs and in the popular browsers to
"gray out" items that currently aren't applicable. So, if you think your
BACK button isn't working, it may be because in that particular instance it
isn't applicable. For example, if you just opened your browser and this was
the first page you viewed, then there isn't a page to go back to, so the
BACK button is grayed out.

Is it only a few sites, or all of them? Is the site or page opening in a
new window? Opening in a new widow can disable the Back button. In all
dominant browsers, webmasters using the <a target="_blank"> tag to force a
link to open in a new window breaks the Back button. The new window does
not retain the browser history of the previous window, so the "Back" button
is disabled. It does sound as it this might be what is happening on these

Try using the Refresh button and see if that lets you go back.


Help Getting Back

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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