Verizon User
I use a computer, shared by others.
I would like Outlook to ask for a password if someone double clicks it, so
nobody else can read my mail.
I cannot log off of windows as it needs to be a shared PC.
Is there a solution?
I know Outlook Express has such a feature- but not Outlook.
The only workaround I can think of is to require a password protector
program to require a password if someone tries to run outlook.
By the way, I don't need NSA level security- just a simple popup that makes
it difficult for a novice to run outlook.
Any easy solution?
I would like Outlook to ask for a password if someone double clicks it, so
nobody else can read my mail.
I cannot log off of windows as it needs to be a shared PC.
Is there a solution?
I know Outlook Express has such a feature- but not Outlook.
The only workaround I can think of is to require a password protector
program to require a password if someone tries to run outlook.
By the way, I don't need NSA level security- just a simple popup that makes
it difficult for a novice to run outlook.
Any easy solution?