AxWindowsMediaPlayer Control - DVD Chapters

  • Thread starter Thread starter jameschi
  • Start date Start date


I'm trying to figure out how to programatically set the dvd chapter using the
AxWindowsMediaPlayer ocx control in a C# project with no avail. My goal is to
capture the in and out point of a dvd, then be able to programmatically play
back that portion of the DVD.

The problem I'm having is navigating the logical chapters in a DVD with the
control. Am I missing something? I know there is the .next() method, but I
still have not figured out a way to navigate directly to a specified chapter.
This got me started, but I still
can't figure this part out.

I've even tried to capture the sourceUrl property, then try to
programatically start the player with the url (i.e.
"wmpdvd://E/2?contentdir=E:\video_ts" for chapter 2) and the playback still
jumps to the beginning of the dvd?