Anil Gupte
OK, I have spent the whole day on this and I only forward about an inch (and
I have miles to go....)
Anyway, I have this outside in the form:
Dim WebBrowserPay As New AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser
Then I have various functions trying to work with it. For example:
Private Sub btnPaymentOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnPaymentOK.Click
'Other Stuff
Dim url As String
url = "http://www.mysite.com/PayPal.asp"
frmDebug.lblURL.Text = url
url = url & "?VideoName='" & L3G.Title & "'&Price=" & L3G.Price.ToString
& "&CUID=" & L3G.CUID & "&TransactionID=" & TransactionID
'Other Stuff
End Sub
Now what? How do I get and parse the HTML of the page. I cannot find any
properties of the Document property including Download complete or HTML (I
am sure I used it or something simialr a few years ago in VB6).
I read somewhere about adding mshtml.dll from \windows\system32 as a
reference, but it won't let me add it - it says something like this is not a
vali assmebly or com component.
I have miles to go....)

Anyway, I have this outside in the form:
Dim WebBrowserPay As New AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser
Then I have various functions trying to work with it. For example:
Private Sub btnPaymentOK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles btnPaymentOK.Click
'Other Stuff
Dim url As String
url = "http://www.mysite.com/PayPal.asp"
frmDebug.lblURL.Text = url
url = url & "?VideoName='" & L3G.Title & "'&Price=" & L3G.Price.ToString
& "&CUID=" & L3G.CUID & "&TransactionID=" & TransactionID
'Other Stuff
End Sub
Now what? How do I get and parse the HTML of the page. I cannot find any
properties of the Document property including Download complete or HTML (I
am sure I used it or something simialr a few years ago in VB6).
I read somewhere about adding mshtml.dll from \windows\system32 as a
reference, but it won't let me add it - it says something like this is not a
vali assmebly or com component.