axis labels different colors

  • Thread starter Thread starter john lawlor
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john lawlor


Is it possible to give different axis labels different colors?

I have tried changing the colors of the text in the cells in the source
spreadsheet range, but it doesn't appear to work.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,


My chart is a line chart and the first 10 or so x labels are quarters e.g.
Q1 06 n=24, the next 20 are months e.g. 10/06 n=29. Aligned vertically.

Hi John,

Download Rob Boveys chart labeller add-in and it's easy.
Create your line chart as normal, and format the x axis to have no labels.
Add a dummy series all with value 0 (zero).
Colur yourx axis data whichever way you want, and use Robs chart labeller to
add he coloured dta labels to the dummy series, and align vertically.
Format the dummy series to have no line and no markers.
