I've been asked to look into issuing the code necessary to
open a designated port on a Linux system via TCP/IP, send
an 80-byte string containing inquiry data, listen for a
reply string, write the reply string to a local ASCII disk
file, and close the port.
I will say upfront that I've never worked with this type
of setup before. How do I issue the TCP call or is there a
good document out there I can read on issuing the calls?
If anybody out there could give me a few examples it would
most appreciated.
open a designated port on a Linux system via TCP/IP, send
an 80-byte string containing inquiry data, listen for a
reply string, write the reply string to a local ASCII disk
file, and close the port.
I will say upfront that I've never worked with this type
of setup before. How do I issue the TCP call or is there a
good document out there I can read on issuing the calls?
If anybody out there could give me a few examples it would
most appreciated.