avoid tinted glass

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PA Bear said:
Do NOT click on such links posted in a newsgroup!

This is not a trick, I have a valid reply to address and if you like I will
submit more verification.
As a matter of fact you PA Bear have helped me with computer issues in the

This site was created for one reason.

1. Carl was driving down the road minding his own business and a car with
tinted windows pulled up alongside him and riddled him with bullets.

Imagine having your eye hanging from it's socket.

maybe a gang initiation nobody knows.

BTW what is MUNGE?
Marvel said:
This is not a trick, I have a valid reply to address and if you like I
will submit more verification.
As a matter of fact you PA Bear have helped me with computer issues in the

This site was created for one reason.

1. Carl was driving down the road minding his own business and a car with
tinted windows pulled up alongside him and riddled him with bullets.

Imagine having your eye hanging from it's socket.

maybe a gang initiation nobody knows.

BTW what is MUNGE?

For your edification


The Bear was justified for being suspicious since your post has nothing
to do with Internet Explorer, was cross-posted and spammers/scammers
often use enticing come-ons to try to get people to click on their links.

To munge is to disguise the true identity of a URL or e-mail address.

If you feel you have a message you want people to know about, well and
good. Take out an ad in a newspaper. Even if you know you're not a
spammer, we don't.
Marvel said:
This is not a trick, I have a valid reply to address and if you like I
submit more verification.
As a matter of fact you PA Bear have helped me with computer issues in the
BTW what is MUNGE?

I don't care who you are (or how often you change your ReplyTo address when
posting to newsgroups), no one should click on any such anonymously posted
links in a newsgroup (which you also posted to WinXP General and alt.cats
and rec.motorcycles.dirt in the last hour or so) just to "see what happens"
or view a supposedly funny web-page. The risks of doing so are just too
great (cf. http://aumha.net/viewtopic.php?t=21729).

munge = obfuscate (e.g., an email address or link, such that it doesn't
Ted Zieglar said:
The Bear was justified for being suspicious since your post has nothing to
do with Internet Explorer, was cross-posted and spammers/scammers often
use enticing come-ons to try to get people to click on their links.

To munge is to disguise the true identity of a URL or e-mail address.

If you feel you have a message you want people to know about, well and
good. Take out an ad in a newspaper. Even if you know you're not a
spammer, we don't.
O.K. sorry about that ...and I did run ads in the newspaper and on the
I guess the reality of things caused me to become emotional and I felt the
need to share.about that ieexplorer6 question...
I keep getting this message "Internet Explorer has restricted this file from
showing active content" I would like to avoid the code that causes that
message to pop up. I think it has something to do with postamble() and
PA Bear said:
I don't care who you are (or how often you change your ReplyTo address
when posting to newsgroups), no one should click on any such anonymously
posted links in a newsgroup (which you also posted to WinXP General and
alt.cats and rec.motorcycles.dirt in the last hour or so) just to "see
what happens" or view a supposedly funny web-page. The risks of doing so
are just too great (cf. http://aumha.net/viewtopic.php?t=21729).

munge = obfuscate (e.g., an email address or link, such that it doesn't
I understand, please accept my apology.

That's because those are the groups I frequent