Hi all! First time post to the newsgroup, but I've used the suggestions posted here many, many times to help me with Excel troubles. I'm not a programmer, but sometimes I copy and paste code to help me solve my problems. Not sure if this is the proper newsgroup to introduce this thread, so my apologies if it isn't
I'm a teacher/tech coordinator and I'm trying to design a very user-friendly gradesheet for teachers. I've modified a template downloaded from Microsoft, and I would like to include a command button which produces a printable page of everything EXCEPT blank columns in a certain range
Gradesheet looks something like this
A17-E17 includes Student names, Average, etc
F17+ is comprised of assignments/tests
The # of columns with data will constantly be changing. Any help would be appreciated.
BTW, excellent newsgroup. Thanks for ALL the help you've inadvertently given me
I'm a teacher/tech coordinator and I'm trying to design a very user-friendly gradesheet for teachers. I've modified a template downloaded from Microsoft, and I would like to include a command button which produces a printable page of everything EXCEPT blank columns in a certain range
Gradesheet looks something like this
A17-E17 includes Student names, Average, etc
F17+ is comprised of assignments/tests
The # of columns with data will constantly be changing. Any help would be appreciated.
BTW, excellent newsgroup. Thanks for ALL the help you've inadvertently given me