I have been using Avira free Antivir but am now looking for another good AV.
I ran a full scan prior to doing a full backup of my machine using
BackUp My PC program to a USB drive. The program was repeatedly
interrupted by Antivr saying it had found something called HEUR...
This was just after I had run Antivir and gotten NO hits. I eventually
used Kerio to block all 'net traffic and then turned off Antivir. That
shut up Antivir but also wasted almost four hours of not being able to
use the computer.
I ran a full scan prior to doing a full backup of my machine using
BackUp My PC program to a USB drive. The program was repeatedly
interrupted by Antivr saying it had found something called HEUR...
This was just after I had run Antivir and gotten NO hits. I eventually
used Kerio to block all 'net traffic and then turned off Antivir. That
shut up Antivir but also wasted almost four hours of not being able to
use the computer.