Avi to SVCD

  • Thread starter Thread starter Malcolm
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Can anyone recommend an alternative program to MM2 that
actually works and does most of what MM2 claims to do, in
particular to make movies from avi clips with both
transitions and titles, for burning as SVCD onto CD-R?
Malcolm said:
Can anyone recommend an alternative program to MM2 that
actually works and does most of what MM2 claims to do, in
particular to make movies from avi clips with both
transitions and titles, for burning as SVCD onto CD-R?

I have wasted a lot of money buying so called "Good" software for video
capture/edit/save to format software...I have even been testing software yet
to come onto the market for a distibution company...and they are not pleased
with the results. Basically, none of the software at the bottom end of the
market has managed to retain a place on my system...and by bottom end of the
market I am talking less than say $300 or thereabouts.

The only good program at the bottom end that has retained a place is
MM2. I find that it does everything it claims to do...plus a few little
tricks that are not immediately obvious (Have you EVER seen perfect
documentation?) and thats why the distribution company I mentioned earlier
are not pleased with the results

If you cannot get MM2 to, without hesitation, do exactley what it claims
to do, then there is a good chance you will not get anyone else's software
to work well either. After all, MM2 belongs to the same company that write
the XP enviroment and if a large majority of users can get it to work
without issue (other than sometimes not reading the manual etc) and you
cannot get it to work properly then surely you must consider that there is
either a hardware compatibilty issue or a driver issue or perhaps an
instalation issue.

As far as burning to DVD, I have nero 5 (soon to get a sample of 6 from
distribution company) and Roxio and Dazzle. I have to admit that although I
am not keen on Nero, it is also true that I have not perhaps given it a fair
chance...and the reason for that is that the Dazzle DVD Complete software
does everything I want. Dazzle has recently been taken over by Pinnacle and
dependent on which country you live in, it may be advantagous to buy Dazzle
and get the very reasonable upgrades that Pinnacle are offering to
registered Dazzle users. (There are no offers on the table at this time if
you live in the UK)

All the best.....
Roxio Easy CD Creator 6 has a DVD section that allows
importing of .avi files , basic editing, and burning to
vcd, DVD or svcd. I have used it and it does a pretty good
What is it that you don't like about MM2?

For me, I edit in MM2, save to DV-AVI, then convert to MPEG using TMPGenc
(very good and free), then burn to SVCD format using Nero. I would not use
Nero's "on the fly" mpeg conversion - its pretty bad quality.
-----Original Message-----
What is it that you don't like about MM2?

Like many others on this newsgroup my copy will not make
titles and keeps crashing. I've spent hours trying to fix
the problem. After studying this newsgroup and also papa-
gates' site, I would now like to buy something that works
first time.
Thanks for your advice.

I have been totally unable to get the titles to work, and
apart from occasional crashes MM2 does everything I could
wish for. However, titles work perfectly on my laptop but
it's only got 128MB so isn't much use for graphics and
video. I can construct title pages perfectly on the
laptop and transfer them to my desktop but it's very

I understand that an xp re-install would solve the
problem (I think it's three DLL files that are not
registering) but that going to lose all my programs.
The laptop has xp service pack 1 which may be the
solution, However I don't want to instal SP-1 in my
desktop because of all the bad reports.

I have tried most of the ideas suggested in this group
and also by papa-gates, but without success.

Malcolm. (UK)
I use Roxio Easy CD & DVD Creator 6. It makes SVCDs with
intro, selectable movie clips, titles & transitions, that
play on my DVD player & TV. I get about 35 minutes of
SVCD on each CD-R.