.avi to dvd - what program ??


Sep 30, 2005
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Spent the best part of the day trying to install a program called " tovid " along with all its dependancies . Trouble is I nearly get it installeedd and its telling me a file is missing or something .
Anyone used the program ?
could anyone suggest a program to use to burn .avi files to dvd so that they will play on a tv set . I'm looking for something that will work with Kanotix and Mandriva .

The ones I use I paid for, I don't know of any freebies.

Using Imtoo's mpeg decoder and DivX converter, Pinnacle Studio 9 and, mostly, Nero 8.

Do a search for DVD Santa
floppybootstomp said:
The ones I use I paid for, I don't know of any freebies.

Using Imtoo's mpeg decoder and DivX converter, Pinnacle Studio 9 and, mostly, Nero 8.

Do a search for DVD Santa

Thanks for that flopps .:D I got the message
Will all of them work in linux ? Have a copy of Nero . Wanted to use linux stuff to see how it works . I want to see if its possible to have a free os that is easy to use and has all the functionality I want .

Try DeVeDe first (that should do ti for you... if not, there are options.)

First, you'll have to add a repository ("Debian-Multimedia" is a good repo for "all things AV"). Open Synaptic... go to Settings -> Repositories:

Click "New" and add the following:
URl: http://www.debian-multimedia.org/
Distribution: etch
Section(s): main

Click OK. In Synapic's main window, hit "Reload". You'll encounter a security warning. This is because the GPG key isn't in place yet. Ignore the warning.

Next, search for two packages: "debian-multimedia-keyring" (this is the GPG key package) and "devede":

Click on them, mark them for install... hit "Apply". Done:

Thanks again . I found the program DeVeDeand installed it , in my Mandriva 64 bit distro . So my methods were a little different to yours . I may or may not install it in Kanotix . If I do I will post a walkthrough as I am not using Synaptic .

Your walkthroughs are getting better
all you need now is a decent title and you would have a great mini walkthrough there . :D

I don't know if its possible but the post by Urmas would be great in the Kanotix thread , can it be copied over to there ????

Abarbarian said:
Your walkthroughs are getting better
all you need now is a decent title and you would have a great mini walkthrough there . :D

Trouble is, distros are sooo easy to use these days... you managed to install DeVeDe in your Mandriva without THIS walkthrough.

Yup managed to install DeVeDe all on me own in just a few clicks .

Thems some fine walkthroughs you have posted at that link you gave ,


an they even have titles and pics . :p

So I tried out the DeVeDe program . Its a bit basic in some ways but has some neat features .Seemed to do the jobs I set it quite quickly , using 100% of one of me cpu cores and leaving 100% free on the other core .
The results when I played em back on a tv were picture wise very good indeed , nice sharp well coloured images , most satisfactory .
The sound overall was very good except at the beginning of both of my test runs . In example one there is a song as an intro and the picture would freeze and the sound stuttered badly . This was for most of the song , once into the main picture , everything ran smoothly . In example two the static picture opening seemed to run ok , then as the main movie started , stuttering happened for about a minute . After this everything ran smoothly .
I was not able to access any chapters on the tv , the dvd's ran through as one single chapter . It is not my dvd player as I have put chapters in dvd's with other software .For short clips this is not a problem but is a useful inclusion for longer items . The DeVeDe software seemed to show that it was going to make chapters but I may have read that wrongly or not clicked something to make it happen .
There is one very bad aspect about these conversions and it may just be to do with the 64 bit Mandriva I'm running . The converted movie clips the program has produced will not play back on the pc . Two programs come with the Mandriva , I tried with Kaffeine , just refused to play . Then with Totem I got messages saying I needed extra stuff installing . When I tried to do this I kept getting this message,


So I'm not able to install these from the instillation dvd so can I get what I'm after from anywhere else ??


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Try VLC... it'll play just about anything... I copy/pasted the following from its "package description":

"VLC is the VideoLAN project's media player. It plays MPEG, MPEG2, MPEG4,
DivX, MOV, WMV, QuickTime, mp3, Ogg/Vorbis files, DVDs, VCDs, and multimedia
streams from various network sources.

VLC can also be used as a streaming server that duplicates the stream it
reads and multicasts them through the network to other clients, or serves
them through HTTP.

VLC has support for on-the-fly transcoding of audio and video formats, either
for broadcasting purposes or for movie format transformations. Support for
most output methods is provided by this package, but features can be added
by installing additional audio plugins (vlc-plugin-esd, vlc-plugin-sdl,
vlc-plugin-arts, vlc-plugin-pulse) or video plugins (vlc-plugin-sdl,
vlc-plugin-ggi, vlc-plugin-glide, vlc-plugin-svgalib). There is also a web
browser plugin in the mozilla-plugin-vlc package."
Thanks Urmas . I'll give the VLC player a try .

Is it not possible for me to get the extra modules I need for the Totem player from somewhere ??? The modules show up in the ADD/Remove Software program but they will not install . They are the ones for a 64 bit os so its a bit puzzling that they seem to be available but not accesible . This is most frustrating .

Abarbarian said:
The modules show up in the ADD/Remove Software program but they will not install . They are the ones for a 64 bit os so its a bit puzzling that they seem to be available but not accessible.

This is... 64 bit Mandy? Can you post a screenshot? Strange.
Strange just don't hack it . I feel like I have a Mandriva OS from The Twilight Zone .
Spent all day trying to get this video dvd I made to play on the pc .Tried to install the missing bits and also the VLC player you mentioned . Kept getting asked for the instillation cd , would put it in and then kept getting told that the packages had bad signatures . Tried to install from the web with no luck .
Was about to give up when I gave it one last try .

Now have video cd playing perfectly in Kaffeiene with perfect sound .

Have a very slow moving movie and no sound in Totem .
Have a perfect movie with no sound in VLC player.
I haven't a clue what made it work as I have tried to install from the original install disc , from the web and through a konsole . An I'm all mixed up with reading techy stuff and such like .I don't have a clue where the weirdness is coming from .

:confused: :D
Abarbarian said:
An I'm all mixed up with reading techy stuff and such like .
Here's my approach:


Anyway... good that Kaffeine does its thing.
