Joe Burke
I'm using Win XP and PowerPoint 2003. I have noticed that inserting AVI
movie files via "movies & sounds > movie from file", they work well with the
exception that the audio is a constant ~ 1/4 of a second ahead of the video.
Inserting these same files via "insert movie" and the audio-video sync
problem goes away. However a "Windows Media" logo is displayed before the
video rolls. Any hints as to how I can get rid of the sync problem in the
"movie from file" method or the logo in the "insert movie" method. Also what
is the difference between these two insertion methods. Thanks.
Joe Burke
movie files via "movies & sounds > movie from file", they work well with the
exception that the audio is a constant ~ 1/4 of a second ahead of the video.
Inserting these same files via "insert movie" and the audio-video sync
problem goes away. However a "Windows Media" logo is displayed before the
video rolls. Any hints as to how I can get rid of the sync problem in the
"movie from file" method or the logo in the "insert movie" method. Also what
is the difference between these two insertion methods. Thanks.
Joe Burke