AVI files turn into white boxes




This question has been asked by at least one other person,
and i didnt see a solution offered, but im going to try
again anyway.

Im using PPT 2002.

Powerpoint allows me to insert .avi clips, and they play
until i close the file. but after saving and closing, when
I try to play them in either edit or slideshow mode, the
frist frame shows for a second and then the object box
turns white and nothing plays. the .avi files are in the
same folder as the Powerpoint file.
ive tested the avi's with mplay and all is fine.

if you have resolved this, please share it with the rest
of us.

Thanks much



How long are the names of the videos. WHen this happened to me, i shortened the names to less than 20? characters and the problem was solved. Bizarre but true


-----Original Message-----
How long are the names of the videos. WHen this happened
to me, i shortened the names to less than 20? characters
and the problem was solved. Bizarre but true
the shortest name is 12 characters, including the .avi.

thanks tho, much appreciated.

Austin Myers

Hi Joe,

I've seen a couple of posts like yours and I am trying to figure out where
things go wrong. Can you give a little more information? What OS are you
running, where did the avi originate, and if known, what codec is it using?

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team


Hi Austin,
my OS is windows 2k 5.00.2195 service pack 4. Im not suer
what codec is used.

The files were supplied by a client of mine. They are
having the same problem.

I opened the files with Win Media Player 9, but when i
view the properties, the codec just shows a dash.

Thanks for your help.


Austin Myers

Ah, win2K. Have you upgraded your version of DirectX? If not that would be
the first thing I would do. I would also look to see if there is a newer
video driver for your card.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Austin Myers

Is it a small enough video that you can email it to me?

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Austin Myers


I took a look at the video you sent and it reports that it is using the
"Microsoft Video 1" codec. However, it will not play in the MCI player even
with the codec installed on the machine. (I tested it on two different
machines.) I suspect it was created with a third party application that did
not follow the requirements or "standard" for this codec. (Forced rendering
with some software I have comes up with an error report stating a
non-standard codec is in use.)

I was able to convert it to a standard codec (Indeo 5.1) and it played fine
in both the MCI player and in PowerPoint.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team


Thanks Austin, that sounds like a plan. what did you use
to convert it? or what else can do the conversion?

Austin Myers

I used the "Stoik Video Convertor". It's a free download from:


A word of caution though. Any time you convert from one codec to another
there is some loss in quality. Sort of like taking a photo copy of a photo
copy. If at all possible, try to work with the original video files.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

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