In Jeff <
[email protected]> had this to say:
My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
It was about 6 months ago. I tried it in my Pentium 4, 2.66 GHz
laptop with 512 RAM and XP home.
That makes me wonder... I've been using KAV since, well, before it was KAV.
It used to be AVP. (Anti-viral toolkit Pro) If you're already set on using
one of the other AV applications and not willing/wanting to pay for the
application then this is not important but the question begs to be asked.
Did you have anything else doing real-time scanning at the same time? Was
there a conflict with pre-existing software perhaps? Your box has statistics
well enough so that it should have run KAV without a hitch. On a bad day I
have my main PC set and running around 50 processes or so. KAV is one of
them though I do not have it set to inspect outbound mail or self extracting
archives as those would be scanned when they are opened.
Hmm... The PC at the moment is not really too fast. It's a AMD 3200+ w/2 GB
RAM and XP Pro so it's not that fast at all really. It's currently using
2700 k of memory and 1000 k of memory as the service and process. Far less,
for instance, than IE, Explorer, or even Yahoo.
It's not that I'm trying to alter your opinion but rather that my opinion
has always been that when it comes to security second best isn't really good
enough unless, of course, price makes the best out of my league.
"And that recommendation, with the exaggerated estimate of my ability
with which he prefaced it, was, if you will believe me, Watson, the
very first thing which ever made me feel that a profession might be
made out of what had up to that time been the merest hobby."
Sherlock Holmes