Mike NG
Running AVG 7 Free - Scheduled updates always happen at 8.11 am - now I
have broadband I want to shift this. I have seen some tabs where it
says do a general check for updates e.g. "somewhere between 09:00 and
09:59" and the same for every hour of the day. I know the updates come
down at 8:11 cos I usually see them at that exact time, but I can't see
any of the options where to set this. Can someone please put me out of
my misery?
have broadband I want to shift this. I have seen some tabs where it
says do a general check for updates e.g. "somewhere between 09:00 and
09:59" and the same for every hour of the day. I know the updates come
down at 8:11 cos I usually see them at that exact time, but I can't see
any of the options where to set this. Can someone please put me out of
my misery?