Yes I do. Its for the READERS of the thread.
McAfee has a Command Line Scanner scan.exe that is a mixed mode executable for both DOS and
Win32. It also has its own memory manager so HIMEM.SYS is not needed in a CONFIG.SYS file.
I use Win98SE boot disk and a ZIP disk in a parallel port ZIP drive with the scanner on the
ZIP disk. AUTOEXEC creates a drive letter for the ZIP disk then executes the scanner from
the ZIP disk then writes a HTML report to the ZIP disk.
| > Zvi:
| >
| > Win9x/ME can boot from a clean FAT32 DOS disk.
| You realize that I am aware of that. ;-) Read
| and
| for a couple of utilities to boot Win9x,
| and especially ME, to plain DOS (I guess that you haven't prepared a boot disk
| on an ME platform to start it in plain DOS).

| Note that I wrote "run your AV *for Windows*", not for DOS. Sadly, the days of
| DOS AV are over, for Windows 9x and ME just as well as for NT based OS and
| platforms. Removing the latest viruses and worms requires interactive
| manipulations on the registry, and in other configuration areas, that simply
| cannot be performed from DOS.
| The solution are the various virus removal tools offered by the AV producers -
| all run under Windows, and to a lesser extent, the Windows version of the AV
| products of all brands. This is the issue addressed in my post.
| Cheers, Zvi
| > |
| > | > ... I received this good advice from Robert Green on the newsgroup
| > | > alt.comp.virus, for which thanks:
| > | > <begin quote>
| > | > Won't work. You can boot NT from a floppy, but the the floppy has to
| > | > be formatted with an NT boot sector that loads NTLDR, and it wouldn't
| > | > help for what you are trying to do.
| > | >
| > | > Really, there is no good way to scan *and* clean an NTFS partition
| > | > from a floppy boot. Best approach is to install your DOS antivirus on
| > | > a hard disk partition, boot to a safe mode command prompt and run it
| > | > from there.
| > |
| > | The key to running AV under Windows 32 bit is to boot into *safe mode with
| > | command prompt* and run your AV for Windows from the command prompt.
| > |
| > | Unfortunately, only W2K and XP have such boot mode (from the F8 multiboot menu).
| > | Win 9x / ME / NT4 don't have it.
| > |
| > | This is where the NetZ ToggleMode utility comes to the rescue. ToggleMode will
| > | let boot ANY Win 32 platform into safe mode with command prompt and safely run
| > | your AV. Actually, it's simpler to use the ToggleMode utility than use F8, for
| > | W2K and XP too.
| > |
| > | Available (free) from
| --
| NetZ Computing Ltd. ISRAEL (Hebrew)
| InVircible Virus Defense Solutions, ResQ and Data Recovery Utilities