Love That Music <
[email protected]> wrote:
Hate to appear stupid, but I get a pop-up message that I have a trojan
and to run AVG to get rid of it. I've run AVG regular and in safe
mode, with no effect. (Popup reads : G:\System Volume Information \
-restore {2BD9D7AA-8D5E-49FC-A916-IDBCF81 68930}\RP258\A0037876.scr)
I've tried RegSupreme, Spybot, McAfee, with result showing that there
is no problem, but I still get the popup. Does anyone have a
suggestion to help me? Thank you, in advance.
Earl Sande
It sounds like you have a contamination. I had one awhile back and I'm
totally at a loss as to how I got it. It hid within the System Restore
folder as yours has, so it might be a related malware. Mine had a
startup entry that redownloaded the virus. I did several complete
reinstalls and each was contaminated before I could get the critical
updates for XP. I'm guessing that the problem was a security breach in
XP that allowed it back in before I could get the patch, even though I
went straight to MS after each reinstall.
AVG didn't do anything for this. AntiVir was recommended here and it
did catch and clean, but that was only part of the solution. I had to
use HiJackThis to remove the startup entries that redownloaded the
infection and called another infected file that hides in the recycle
bin, which many scanners do not scan by default.
AntiVir Personal Edition:
These are the two entries I had to remove with HijackThis:
O16 - DPF: {11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111} -
O16 - DPF: {11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111123} -
The first is an mhtml exploit that redownloads the infection. The
second is a call to an infected file hiding in the recycle bin.
AntiVir will get the part hiding in your System Restore and on your
boot drive.
You will need to disable AVG. You don't want to run two virus
scanners. I think that after you experience AntiVir you will agree
that it is by far superior to AVG. It can clean the malwares.
I spent a whole bunch of time on this infection and I hope this will
prevent you from doing the same. If you are not patched you will need
the mhtml patch for sure to prevent further infections.
Good luck!