T.T. said:
Hi, what are the good "freebies" for home use out there? Any
recommendations? Thanks!
Avast is offering a free version of their software. They have always had a
decent product.
H+BEDV Datentechnik offers a free version of theirs too (although I'll admit
I have not played a lot with it lately and my German really sucks for a
Puerto Rican

Bit Defender v7 is kinda neat.
My favorite, AVG by Grisoft. Lately they've had update problems when several
new viruses emerge. Everyone in the world tries to update at once.
Trend Micro has an on demand online scanner. It's good only if the malware
didn't disable your connection. Also you must allow some of the IE plugins
to work (set them once for scan then set them back is what I do).
Bit defender also has an online scanner (same cautions as above).
Panda also has Active Scan. Another online scanner.
But for resident software, the first 4 in the list is where to look. Then
online scans for backup.
I'm sure there are many more but these are some that come to mind.
Remember, nothing beats good ol' common sense.