Brian said:
Is is known whether the free anti-virus software from Grisoft has a virus
reference list which is as up-todate as is the paid-for version?
I have been using the AVG6 Free version for over 2 years now, and I have
never had a problem with it. It is just as good as the paid for version.
What you pay for with the paid version is a few more whistles and bells, and
tech support. Tech support is not available with the free version.
However, I have never needed Tech support with my AVG6 free yet. It is user
friendly and not hard to learn. Really pretty straight forward.
I have a friend who bought the AVG 7.0, and all she got was the tech support
and a bit more window dressings. The AV part is the same as the AVG6 and
functions are the same. However, if you feel the need to pay for an AV to
feel safer and more protected, as some do, then by all means you should get
the paid version. But, it will not afford you any more protection.