NoMoreMrNiceGuy said:
Can you elaborate on "clunky and intrusive"?
As it should, it scans every incoming E-mail--that's OK. (Scanning of
incoming and outgoing can be individually enabled/disabled) It seems
much slower than the Ver. 6 E-mail scanner. It also displays an icon
and small window in the bottom right of the screen while scanning.
That, in itself is OK, but just a bit different to get used to. The
display can be turned off, however. So, perhaps "intrusive" may not
have been a good choice of words. Clunky, it definitely is--from the
prescan connect to one's ISP Mail Server, to the scan of individual
messages. It seems so much slower. Perhaps because it tells more about
what it is doing.
I had been thinking of disabling the mail scanner altogether, but today
it earned it's keep. Wifey received a message, ostensibly from a
sister, that she would most likely have allowed Mailwasher to pass on to
the mail program. Well, it contained 3 baddies, which AVG promptly
whisked off to the Virus Vault. Serious problem averted, AVG mail
scanning proved worthwhile.