AVG anti virus?

Apr 19, 2005
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AVG anti virus?

Don’t know what it is but there appears to be quite a few problems with it at the moment.

During the last few weeks I have had numerous people on and off this forum asking what to do as they have either installed AVG Free or upgraded AVG Free.

My advice is to uninstall and go for either Avast free Or Anti-vir Free.

Avast from> Here

Anti-vir from Here

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Of the three main freebies, AVG has always been the weakest.

That's in my opinion and if you Google seems many others share my POV.
floppybootstomp said:
Of the three main freebies, AVG has always been the weakest.

That's in my opinion and if you Google seems many others share my POV.

Thats always been MHO;) Yes have had lots and lots of people asking me what to do and being polite I say Blinking take AVG out:rolleyes: