The first thing I do when my computer goes ape shit is run the
anti-virus, just in case it missed something on the way in. Many people
do not know they have a virus until the computer starts to do weird,
unexplained things. That is how the majority of pwople find a virus.
About a year ago, while still running '98 and AVG, I visited a
recommended website. I caught a virus that ABVG did not catch on the
way in. Only because another reader on that newsgroup warned of that
virus, after many went to the site that a highly respected and trusted
poster referred us to, all of ran our AV programs and, sure enough, we
were all infected. I began to get leary about AVG at that time, but I
totally uninstalled and deleted all copies ofd it when my dad got hit,
while AVG was "out for lunch."
Bottom line line is, A V prtection may or may not detect something
trying to get in, and it may or may not warn ;you that you are infected,
but if you run it at least once a week, and keep it up to date, it will
catch the critters that are hiding; critters that can cost over $175 to
take to a pro to fix.
Thou shalt not admit adultry.
: John Capleton wrote:
: >FYI,
: > I replaced the commercial "EZ-Trust Anti-virus" with the freeware
: >"AVG Anti-Virus," and it found virus-infected 16 files that EZ-Trust
: >hadn't found. I'm glad I switched...
: >
: >--
: >John L. Capleton
: >
[email protected]
: >ICQ: 17241789
: >--
: >
: >
: >
: >
: I just recently installed Avest AV and I can't tell if it is working
: not. I've never had a AV before a few months ago when I installed AVG
: and couldn't get it to update. I then switched to Avest. I've done
: looking about the different AV and have found something strange. Quit
: few folks said they liked their virus program because it had found a
: number of infected files when they installed it. John said AVG found
: infected files on his computer. Now here is my question and it may
: stupid but what does it hurt to have an infected file. John had 16 and
: I've read where other folks had a bunch and didn't know it. If they
: didn't know then it wasn't doing any damage. I don't see the problem.
: Of the people I know personally that have had problems with virus was
: those that had AV programs. Clue me in where I am seeing it wrong.
: Should I delete mine? Only thing I can see is it takes the computer
: longer to boot.
: L.D.