Trying out PickItUpandShakeIt II ©, the ultimate Etch-A-Sketch killer app,
Antoine screendumped :
- What if you had no virus indeed for this 2 years ?
- What if you had some virus and AVG didn't detect them ?
Firstly, go get yourself
Spybot 1.3
AdAware 6
AVG6 free
F-prot for DOS
Next, get a throwaway a/c like yahoo.
Post the eMail addy in headers and article body in lots of NGs
(warez,crackz groups are apparently quite good).
When the shit hits, open all attachments (I'd recommend using IE/OE to be
sure)oh,and a little unprotected surfing among the less reputable pRon
sites helps
Run AVG.
Consider yourself de-sceptified.
Run F-prot for reassurance.
Run all the others listed above(andposs. spywareblaster & mrublaster(or
whatever they call it)
Cross your fingers and hope no-one's given you a particularly nasty
cmos/bios frag
TOP POST THIS> backup your entire system first
This way, you should have sufficient empirical data rather than relying on
OR you could head across to (and a few more GRC NGs)
and read the posts.
Also would it help if I said it detected viruses on a couple of machines I
was asked to look at recently? And that running 4 other virus checkers
afterwards didn't find any more?
OR you could google groups search.
OR you could work out whose recommendations to trust by reading a few
hundred posts.