AVG 9.0 free

  • Thread starter Thread starter tommy
  • Start date Start date
Has anybody tried 9.0 yet?
Looks like there's fewer features.
One thing I appreciate is they changed the ad for upgrading to their
subscription product so it doesn't look like a malware alert. I found the
ad in the 8.X versions unpleasant. I can't quote details, but I believe
there are improvements in the 9.0 subscription products and some have
trickled down into the free version. I've upgraded the 8.X free version for
a number of customers and it has gone smoothly. AVG Free 9.0 detects the
previous version and transparently installs over it. The company has
switched to a "stub" download manager which downloads the bulk of the files
and makes one last pitch to install a 30 day trial of the subscription
product before installing the free version. I was able to find a link for
the full installer on the AVG forum. Having the complete file comes in
handy when I'm working on systems with slow connections. I still come
across folks using dial-up, and to add insult to injury they are sometimes
paying more for it then DSL (can you say A-O-L?), but I digress. AVG Free
9.0 seems to run fine - about the same as the 8.X versions in terms of
impact on the system. Last I strongly recommend choosing "custom" install
so you can pick and choose features. Otherwise it will install everything
including the toolbar.