AVG 7 EMS and Thunderbird

  • Thread starter Thread starter DW
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I thought I would restart/rename this topic as the subject line was not
really helpful.

I cannot get EMS going. I am using Thunderbird/Firefox and Kerio
Firewall. I am unable to login to the AVG website Free forum. I got
them to resend a password, and it still won't let me logon, so this
Newsgroup seems to be the only place I can ask this.

AVG keeps popping up a balloon saying 'E-mail scanner is not fully
functional' and it keeps popping up and there seems to be no way of
getting rid of it.

So, I try and get email scanning to work... By default, at install, AVG
sets EMS up as 'Automatically' detecting/setting POP3 and SMTP servers.
Yet this does not appear to work. Thunderbird account properties shows
my normal server settings and port numbers.

I tried setting AVG EMS manually, and then amended Thunderbird server
settings to reflect the AVG server settings (I derived this from the AVG
website where it gives a rundown for manually setting up Outlook for
EMS...(maybe this was one extrapolation too far!!))

Needless to say this didn't work.

Has anyone got Thunderbird and AVG 7 EMS working?

Alternatively, has anyone got a way of disabling EMS and stopping this
infuriating balloon from popping up?

tia DW
It is a pain but I bet if you turn Kerio off (just to test), reset AVG
EMS back to the defaults, it will work. No need to do anything to
Thunderbird or AVG7.

You need to figure out the problem at the firewall side.
WhoCares said:
It is a pain but I bet if you turn Kerio off (just to test), reset AVG
EMS back to the defaults, it will work. No need to do anything to
Thunderbird or AVG7.

You need to figure out the problem at the firewall side.

That is too frightening a prospect.
My pc gets hit every few seconds with port 445 requests, mainly.
I dread to think what state my pc would end up in ...
DW said:
That is too frightening a prospect.
My pc gets hit every few seconds with port 445 requests, mainly.
I dread to think what state my pc would end up in ...

I checked on my Kerio settings, and there is a Thunderbird 'rule' that
permits the outgoing traffic. I enabled a Message to be displayed when
the rule matches, went back to Thunderbird and tried re-sending. The
Mail Send failed (unable to connect to and Kerio
flagged up that the Thunderbird Permissions Rule had been triggered ...
so it should have gone through.

Feeling a bit lost now as to what to do.
That is too frightening a prospect.
My pc gets hit every few seconds with port 445 requests, mainly.
I dread to think what state my pc would end up in ...

You have two options:

Look through your Kerio log file and identify the traffic that was
blocked and was related to AVG. Then create rules that allow that
traffic. Make them specific to the AVG program and the IP addresses
it attempts to connect.


Disable email scanning from the AVG control center. I think that is
the preferred method. If you have the resident shield running, email
scanning should not be needed....resident shield should catch any
virus that attempts to execute in your system. Although email
scanning will identify the virus in an infected email earlier, I
doubt that it will give you extra protection.

EA said:
DW <[email protected]> typed in

You have two options:

Look through your Kerio log file and identify the traffic that was
blocked and was related to AVG. Then create rules that allow that
traffic. Make them specific to the AVG program and the IP addresses
it attempts to connect.


Disable email scanning from the AVG control center. I think that is
the preferred method. If you have the resident shield running, email
scanning should not be needed....resident shield should catch any
virus that attempts to execute in your system. Although email
scanning will identify the virus in an infected email earlier, I
doubt that it will give you extra protection.


I have finally got it working !!!
I did find a link for configuring AVG to work with Mozilla.
I tried it and it still didn't work, however I realised that I had a
user/password box ticked in the thunderbird SMTP Server Settings. (I am
sure that I could only get Thunderbird working originally with this

Anyway, unticking this (and doing the other things this AVG website
mentions) made the whole thing burst into life. The downside was that I
had to logon to every one of the user-accounts (all my family has an
account on the computer) and repeat the whole exercise. Boyy that was
painful ... especially when you inadvertently screw-up one of the entries.

But job done, and all working.
AVG should make these things a little simpler I feel (but I am not going
to look the gift horse of free AVG in the mouth, and until this little
problemette, I have had nothing but good from AVG.

I can't remember the AVG link that provided the info, but it was not the
main site ... possibly a European offshoot? I can search for it again
if anyone is interested.

EA said:

Disable email scanning from the AVG control center. I think that is
the preferred method. If you have the resident shield running, email
scanning should not be needed....resident shield should catch any
virus that attempts to execute in your system. Although email
scanning will identify the virus in an infected email earlier, I
doubt that it will give you extra protection.

I chose the Custom Installation and didn't install the email scanner. As
you say, an email scanner is unnecessary (assuming a properly
functioning and up to date resident scanner is in place).

On the other hand, for people like my wife whose work email is bombarded
by dozens of viruses and other malware daily (and it's not practical to
abandon the address), an email scanner might prove to be a good added
layer of protection. But for people like me who get very few malicious
messages, an email scanner is fluff.
I chose the Custom Installation and didn't install the email
scanner. As you say, an email scanner is unnecessary (assuming a
properly functioning and up to date resident scanner is in place).

On the other hand, for people like my wife whose work email is
bombarded by dozens of viruses and other malware daily (and it's
not practical to abandon the address), an email scanner might
prove to be a good added layer of protection. But for people like
me who get very few malicious messages, an email scanner is fluff.

Good point. Or, for people who have an older and slow computer and
who don't want the overhead of scanning each file execution...they
can scan only emails and downloads instead of using the resident
