AVG 6.0 Free Anti-Virus Update Question
Everytime I try to update AVG 6.0 Free Anti-Virus through the AVG 6.0 control
panel lately it tells me that it can not find an automatic connection.
I have tryed it using my DSL connection, with AOL running through my DSL
conection, with AOL running through a dialup connection through the system
modem and with my DSL connection running AND AOL running through dialup at
same time and get same results" No automatic connection found.
Any suggestions PLEASE?!?!
Everytime I try to update AVG 6.0 Free Anti-Virus through the AVG 6.0 control
panel lately it tells me that it can not find an automatic connection.
I have tryed it using my DSL connection, with AOL running through my DSL
conection, with AOL running through a dialup connection through the system
modem and with my DSL connection running AND AOL running through dialup at
same time and get same results" No automatic connection found.
Any suggestions PLEASE?!?!