I am having problems averaging a series of 'short time' formatted criteria in a group footer. the query the report runs from has the following field...
Format(IIf([AdHocReserved]="Reserved" And [ATA] Is Not Null,[ATA]-1-[Time Met],[Time Requested]-1-[Time Met]),"Short Time") AS ResponseTim
These 'ResponseTime's are displayed in a detail section of a report. I want to average them in a footer but keep getting the error message "This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated..."
I have tried eliminating the formatting in the query and doing it in the report. This worked for a normal 24 hr clock but now when I have values that cross midnight (for instance Time Requested = 23:58 and Time Met = 00:04), I get messed up values for averages. I've tried many scenarios already to no avail... any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Format(IIf([AdHocReserved]="Reserved" And [ATA] Is Not Null,[ATA]-1-[Time Met],[Time Requested]-1-[Time Met]),"Short Time") AS ResponseTim
These 'ResponseTime's are displayed in a detail section of a report. I want to average them in a footer but keep getting the error message "This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated..."
I have tried eliminating the formatting in the query and doing it in the report. This worked for a normal 24 hr clock but now when I have values that cross midnight (for instance Time Requested = 23:58 and Time Met = 00:04), I get messed up values for averages. I've tried many scenarios already to no avail... any ideas would be greatly appreciated!