I need to average a list of data that has duplicate values. john smith
account number 1 has a value of 5. mary smith also on account # 1 has a
value of 5 and is listed sperately. the value of 5 appears in my data twice.
my average is skewed. I want an average of values based on account numbers,
not individuals. i reviewed a few websites. if there is a simple solution
to this i need it. what i found on line is way beyond my excel expertise.
account number 1 has a value of 5. mary smith also on account # 1 has a
value of 5 and is listed sperately. the value of 5 appears in my data twice.
my average is skewed. I want an average of values based on account numbers,
not individuals. i reviewed a few websites. if there is a simple solution
to this i need it. what i found on line is way beyond my excel expertise.