Kind of new at programming/vb.net. I'm doing this junky die roller
Heres's what is supposed to happen:
Roll 2 6-sided dies. Add rolls together put total in
Display the number of 2 or 12 rolled, then display those numbers
and average rolls. I didn't know how to do it exactly, but I came up
with this.
The obvious problem for me appears in loop (there may be other
problems but they're not obvious to me). See below
I used this in another sub to fill rolls array, based on a click
ReDim Preserve rolls(UBound(rolls) + 1)' adds one to rolls
'get number for rolls
d6 = CInt(Int((6 * Rnd()) + 1))
d5 = CInt(Int((6 * Rnd())) + 1)
d6Total = d5 + d6 'totals roll
rolls(UBound(rolls)) = d6Total 'should keep record of rolls
Private Sub btnSum_Click
Dim i As Integer = 1
Dim temp, temp1 As Integer ' keeps running total of rolls
Dim twelves, ones As Integer ' counts each 12 or 2 in rolls
'I expect the first pass through the loop will assign temp to roll(i).
Then 'checks to see if a 12 or 2 is rolled then adds one to the total
if yes.
'Since I want to average this array, Assign the value of temp to the
running 'value of temp1. I think the value of i is causing out of
bounds errors. I can't 'figure this out. It seems to make sense to me.
For Each i In rolls
temp = rolls(i)
If temp = 12 Then
twelves += 1
End If
If temp = 2 Then
ones += 1
End If
i += 1
temp1 += temp
With lstRollAverage.Items
.Add("Average roll " & Math.Round((temp1 / (i - 1)), 1) & " out
of " & (i - 1))
'I used (i-1) because loop pickups roll(0)as "0"
.Add("You rolled " & twelves & " cars")
.Add("You rolled " & ones & " snakes")
.Add("and cowered " & cowers & " times")
End With
end sub
Thanks for help, pointers, or suggestions.
Heres's what is supposed to happen:
Roll 2 6-sided dies. Add rolls together put total in
Display the number of 2 or 12 rolled, then display those numbers
and average rolls. I didn't know how to do it exactly, but I came up
with this.
The obvious problem for me appears in loop (there may be other
problems but they're not obvious to me). See below
I used this in another sub to fill rolls array, based on a click
ReDim Preserve rolls(UBound(rolls) + 1)' adds one to rolls
'get number for rolls
d6 = CInt(Int((6 * Rnd()) + 1))
d5 = CInt(Int((6 * Rnd())) + 1)
d6Total = d5 + d6 'totals roll
rolls(UBound(rolls)) = d6Total 'should keep record of rolls
Private Sub btnSum_Click
Dim i As Integer = 1
Dim temp, temp1 As Integer ' keeps running total of rolls
Dim twelves, ones As Integer ' counts each 12 or 2 in rolls
'I expect the first pass through the loop will assign temp to roll(i).
Then 'checks to see if a 12 or 2 is rolled then adds one to the total
if yes.
'Since I want to average this array, Assign the value of temp to the
running 'value of temp1. I think the value of i is causing out of
bounds errors. I can't 'figure this out. It seems to make sense to me.
For Each i In rolls
temp = rolls(i)
If temp = 12 Then
twelves += 1
End If
If temp = 2 Then
ones += 1
End If
i += 1
temp1 += temp
With lstRollAverage.Items
.Add("Average roll " & Math.Round((temp1 / (i - 1)), 1) & " out
of " & (i - 1))
'I used (i-1) because loop pickups roll(0)as "0"
.Add("You rolled " & twelves & " cars")
.Add("You rolled " & ones & " snakes")
.Add("and cowered " & cowers & " times")
End With
end sub
Thanks for help, pointers, or suggestions.