-----Original Message-----
The need to do this generally indicates that your data is not properly
normalized. Having said that, I have frequently run across poorly
normalized data tables and developed a function similiar to what I
have posted below to assist on those occassions.
X = AvgValue([FldA], [FldB], [FldC], [FldD])
There is no error checking in this function as it is, so you will have
to ensure that the data you pass to it is either numeric, can be
interpreted as numeric, or Null. The nice thing about this is that
you can pass any number of values, and can even get the midpoint
between two dates by using it like:
X = CDate(AvgValue(#1/1/2003#, #7/1/2003#))
Keep in mind that if all the values passed to the function are Null,
the result will be Null.
Public Function AvgValue(ParamArray args()) As Variant
Dim Numerator As Variant, denominator As Integer
Dim intLoop As Integer
denominator = 0
For intLoop = LBound(args()) To UBound(args())
If Not IsNull(args(intLoop)) Then
Numerator = Numerator + args(intLoop)
denominator = denominator + 1
End If
If denominator = 0 Then
AvgValue = Null
AvgValue = Numerator / denominator
End If
End Function
Dale Fye
This has got to be easy, but I can't find an answer.
I want to average 4 fields (there may be missing data, so
I can't divide by 4). I want to do this for a record and
in a query.
The 'Avg' function seem to only apply to 1 field.