There are all kinds of ways to say one is better than the other but if you
are ONLY concerned two things:
1) Ease of installation/use
2) Least amount of conflicts with operating system(Win XP)/other
programs/other AV programs
Which of the 3 above would u recommend???
One consideration - cost. Are you speaking of paid or free programs? AVG
& Avast both offer free AV's, NOD does not. As far as ease of use, I have
not used AVG but can give a comparison of Avast versus NOD32:
1. Ease of installation/use - Installation: About the same. East of Use:
NOD32 is often considered difficult to use, as the GUI can be somewhat
confusing. I didn't find it particularly difficult, but I would say that
Avast is a little more straightforward & user friendly. However, when it
comes to scanning your computer, NOD is the fastest. Avast takes forever
and a day.
2. Least amount of conflicts with XP - Never really had any problems with
Avast in that area for the most part. It did flag another security app
(Panda Software) as a trojan, but that's about it. The only conflict I
remember with NOD is when I tried the Online Armor beta - NOD flagged it as
a heuristic virus and wouldn't let it install. I believe that issue has
since been resolved. I know that the system takes much longer to boot with
Avast, and Avast is much more instrusive. I remember when I quit using
Avast and went to NOD32, I was amazed at how uninstrusive NOD was. You
didn't even know it was there unless it alerted on something.
Like I said, I don't know much about AVG, except what I've read. I know
it's detection rate isn't on par with the top AV's, and updates are
somewhat hit and miss. I never had any problems whatsoever with Avast or
NOD32 updates.
Another consideration is false positives. I've found that the free AV's
(other than AVS, based on Kaspersky) are very prone to false positives.
That's one of the main reasons I quit using Avast. NOD does have an FP
once in a while, but they have been very few, in my experience. Avast, on
the other hand, was a pain when it came to FP's. I finally got fed up with
it and dumped it for NOD32. I don't know how AVG AV is, but I know AVG
Antispyware has produced a lot of FP's on my system, as compared to other
AS apps like Superantispyware & CounterSpy.
As far as the best, I think NOD32 is far better than AVG or Avast, but, of
course, you have to pay for it ($39 for initial purchase, then $27 to renew
the next year).