Okay. I would be interested to know what you find out.
Ernie B.
Communication: The art of moving an idea from one mind to another, hopefully
without distortion.
Operating system restart needed by avast message could be solved, in
some systems, by deleting the file <avast>\setup\reboot.txt
If deleting reboot.txt doesn't stop the requests for reboot check
Check this registry entry (right after computer restart):
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager,
if it contains "PendingFileRenameOperations".
Check its contents and if there's only "reboot.txt" from avast4\setup
folder, delete PendingFileRenameOperations, don't delete any other
Back-up (export) the registry key before you edit/delete, just in
Not sure what the problem with your shutdown might be (does this
happen every time?), there could be something running that isn't
ending correctly. Hopefully something may be in the windows event
Igor said:
The virus database updates normally don't require computer restart.
However, in very special cases, a virus database update might actually
include a program update as well (in which case, the computer restart
would indeed be required). I believe it was your case.
I should probably explain what "in very special cases mean". Some time
ago, we have found some limits (you can call it "bugs") in avast! code
which would make avast! stop working when the number of records in
virus database reaches specific number (well, it's a bit more
complicated than that, but it doesn't really matter now). We fixed the
problems, of course, and included the fix in one of the program
Right now, we are very close to this "limit" (regarding the number of
viruses). Even though the fixed version of the program has been
available for quite some time now, however, there are still quite a
lot of users who use older versions; so, we can either stop adding new
viruses (which wouldn't be very wise), or somehow make the users of
old avast! versions - that are still out there - to update to the
fixed one. So, that's what happening right now... some of the old
versions were updated during an ordinary virus database update.
Hope this explains it.
If that still does not solve the problem, check