Hell Billy
I was downloading some software through P-to-P, when this really shrill
tone that kinda sounded like a car alarm starting playing. I was out of
the room at the time, and thought that someone's alarm went off in the
parking lot.
But then I noticed that it was coming from my computer room. After the
tone stopped, I heard this disembodied female voice announce, "A virus
has been detected," and a dialog box from my Avast Antivirus was up on
the screen, asking me what I wanted to do. I elected to delete, and the
offending download aborted.
I was so thrilled over the sequence of events, I forgot to write down
the name of the virus, and I suck for that - sorry. But what was
interesting to note was that my AVG didn't pick up anything(I have both
Tough to tell what could have happened here - maybe Avast picked up the
virus first because Avast comes before AVG alphabetically(hey, I know
it's a stretch!!!
), or maybe AVG didn't have the required sig files
to catch it(damn, I wish I'd written it down!!!!). So, what to you
think? Discuss.
tone that kinda sounded like a car alarm starting playing. I was out of
the room at the time, and thought that someone's alarm went off in the
parking lot.
But then I noticed that it was coming from my computer room. After the
tone stopped, I heard this disembodied female voice announce, "A virus
has been detected," and a dialog box from my Avast Antivirus was up on
the screen, asking me what I wanted to do. I elected to delete, and the
offending download aborted.
I was so thrilled over the sequence of events, I forgot to write down
the name of the virus, and I suck for that - sorry. But what was
interesting to note was that my AVG didn't pick up anything(I have both
Tough to tell what could have happened here - maybe Avast picked up the
virus first because Avast comes before AVG alphabetically(hey, I know
it's a stretch!!!

to catch it(damn, I wish I'd written it down!!!!). So, what to you
think? Discuss.