I found it on an SD card that I used a couple of weeks ago to test a
camera in a store. I took pictures with it and brought the SD card
back. Strangely, I looked at the pictures back then and had no problem.
Now that I looked at the SD card again I clicked on some folder on it
and it seems to have ran something that avast/prevx/kerio didn't like.
I don't exactly remember what was going on in detail, I was literally a
"moron in a hurry" trying to get this cheap mp3 player to work to
listen to an podcast. Anyhow, I allowed it to do one thing and then
blocked the rest when I noticed that it wasn't normal (prevx does get
frustrating in normal usage, so I acquired a habit of allowing without
much thinking unless I'm on guard). I then ran avast, it said reboot, I
rebooted, it ran on reboot and moved 9 files to its virus chest.
Any permanent harm done? Should I reinstall windows? Thanks.
camera in a store. I took pictures with it and brought the SD card
back. Strangely, I looked at the pictures back then and had no problem.
Now that I looked at the SD card again I clicked on some folder on it
and it seems to have ran something that avast/prevx/kerio didn't like.
I don't exactly remember what was going on in detail, I was literally a
"moron in a hurry" trying to get this cheap mp3 player to work to
listen to an podcast. Anyhow, I allowed it to do one thing and then
blocked the rest when I noticed that it wasn't normal (prevx does get
frustrating in normal usage, so I acquired a habit of allowing without
much thinking unless I'm on guard). I then ran avast, it said reboot, I
rebooted, it ran on reboot and moved 9 files to its virus chest.
Any permanent harm done? Should I reinstall windows? Thanks.