Avast 4 won't install on 5536 pre-RC1 (X86)/Driver Verifier can Help

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chad Harris
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Chad Harris

P-cillin, AVG, and McAfee seem to be working for most people on 5536.

This is a first time phenom for Avast 4 Home for me on Vista X86--I can try
other versions and maybe I'll "get luckie" but I tried with Home 4 that they
bill on the site for Vista several times and I get the same error.

For the first time in a build, I can't install Avast Home for Vista on X86
with a driver not compatible message, even though I tried browsing to the
Avast Folder where all my files and drivers are stored on another drive
which often works in Vista--for stubborn drivers.

The error I get is that a driver doesn't work. I know you could go out on
the street and poll 100 very successfully dressed people and ask them if
software has drivers and you'd get a no but from some in my town they'd say
they think the limo service is around the corner. But software has drivers
often--kernel and non kernel stack and apparently one of thme is having (at
least I know on this box) a conflict with 5536. It would be great if I knew
which particular driver because maybe I could find one that spells it that
would work.

One of the tricks I use to minimize BSOD stops that say "your box is
shutdown" due to driver compatibility, the error is wrong as are several
BSOD errors promulgated by MSFT. I know many of them apply to several
situations and that's why they cast a wide net and are vague but here's my

KS=Kernel Stack Drivers

Suppose you get a BSOD that says "bad kernel stack driver...we shut down
your machine." It doesn't or probably couldn't--that's why they wrote it so
vaguely ID the particular driver that's offending, so one would be left to
gess which KS driver or NKS driver if that were implicated. If you put up
the run box and type in "driverquery" no quotes you'll get a complete list
of KS and NKS drivers. Now whatcha gonna do? We hear most about drivers
for video and sound cards as #1 and #2 but as the cop for the bad driver or
the incompatible driver--it's not necessarily corrupt as you'll see
here--you have to narrow from a lineup of 150-200 KS drivers depending on
your hdw devices and software, and you have about 30-50 NKS.

I have found a tip/trick that helps minimize these type BSODs which aren't
in the top ten list of BSOD's people are going to see on any Windows box
from 2K through XP through Vista 5536 to RTM.

You put up the Driver Verifiery (there is a Vista white paper on it) one of
the very few resources that MSFT now has up for Vista in any depth--but that
stuff is located on MSDN blogs--it'd be nice if the Community writers
assigned to the team would get it up on websites the public is likely to
find who may not know which MSDN blogs to read regularly for their needs of
have time to do so.

1) You disable driver deadlock detectno. 2)You keep DV from inspecting the
software drivers for the AV. That might be a solution here I haven't tried.
It will often prevent a recurring BSOD in my experience that says you've
been shut down due to a KS driver.

This is meant as constructive criticism, and yeah I believe in getting it
to the horsie's mouth so I'll put it in the email in box of the people on
the Vista driver team--I think the feedback mechanisms for anyone regardless
of your group work terribly because MSFT doesn't want feedback on any other
level than "Aero Rocks" or "Build yadad da yadaa is way kuell. If they did,
they wouldn't turn their back on all the MVPs that told them Vista is in
pretty horrendous shape vintage 5536. A lot needs to be done and I hope to
list it systematically in a few days. But it won't get done.

1) Device Manager in Vista needs to be accurate with the health of your
driver. By that I mean just because DM has said your driver is in good
shape, DM has no clue whether it's corrupt as the day is long or healthy.
MSFT has known this (the driver and device teams for years) but they have
not fixed it and they have already told me it's not getting fixed in Vista.

2) The way the driver installer mechanisms should work in Vista is that they
can browse to that driver on the machine. Not a tall order considering Dr.
Gary Flake's reputation --their new Distinguished Scientist search guru who
works conjointly with MSFT research.

The point of referencing driver verifier is that the BSODs and problems
installing AV extrapolate to other AV software drivers besides those made by

*References on Use of Driver Verifier to Decrease driver induced BSODs (Not
just due to drivers as MSFT naively preaches but due to the inspection
mechanism of Driver Verifier)*

Interop problem w/ NAV (Symantec Antivirus)...

Checking Drivers with the Driver Verifier Tool from Windows XP Cookbook

Fatal System Error: 0x000000C4 If Deadlock Detection in Driver Verifier Is
Turned on and Norton Antivirus Is Installed

Why I Dislike Symantec by Robert McLaws (Longhorn Blogs)

Driver Verifier in Windows Vista


Driver Verifier MSDN Library

Using Driver Verifier

The Verifier Utility in Windows Vista

Fatal System Error: 0x000000C4 If Deadlock Detection in Driver Verifier Is
Turned on and Norton Antivirus Is Installed

Driver Verifier in General MSDN



How to Use Driver Verifier to Troubleshoot Windows Drivers

Driver Verifier Search on www.microsoft.com

BSOD After Installing Norton Internet Security

I installed several antivirus programs (AVAST and CA EZvirus) that had worked
fine on Vista beta2 and both came back with compatibililty warnings with
5536. Then I installed AVG, as several claimed it worked. Now I get an
error message every time I boot saying "can't initialize AVG antivirus
interface." The icon does not appear in the tray. But when I manually start
AVG, it says it is running and then the icon appears in the tray. I'm not
sure whether to trust that it is working, after the initial warning. Anyone
else have this problem? MS says not to use compatibility settings for
antivirus programs, so I don't want to do that.