My computer (OS Windows XP Home Edition) is running very slow and I
believe the subject above may be the cause.
my system information or msinfo32.exe (start, all programs,
accessories, system tools, system information) states that my total
physical memory is 256.00 MB but my available physical memory is
only at 43.65 MB (For reference, my total virtual memory is at 2.00
GB and available virtual memory is at 1.96 GB). I don't know what I
can do to increase my availabe physical memory; please help. THANKS!
Increasing available physical memory should *not* be your objective.
Wanting to minimize the amount of memory Windows uses is a
counterproductive desire. Windows is designed to use all, or most, of
your memory, all the time, and that's good not bad. Free memory is
wasted memory. You paid for it all and shouldn't want to see any of it
Windows works hard to find a use for all the memory you have all the
time. For example if your apps don't need some of it, it will use that
part for caching, then give it back when your apps later need it. In
this way Windows keeps all your memory working for you all the time.
Regarding your 256MB installed, depending on what apps you run, that
may or may not be a problem for you. How much RAM you need for good
performance is *not* a one-size-fits-all situation. You get good
performance if the amount of RAM you have keeps you from using the
page file, and that depends on what apps you run. Most people running
a typical range of business applications find that somewhere around
256-384MB works well, others need 512MB. Almost anyone will see poor
performance with less than 256MB. Some people, particularly those
doing things like editing large photographic images, can see a
performance boost by adding even more than 512MB--sometimes much more.
If you are currently using the page file significantly, more memory
will decrease or eliminate that usage, and improve your performance.
If you are not using the page file significantly, more memory will do
nothing for you. Go to and download and monitor your pagefile usage. That should
give you a good idea of whether more memory can help, and if so, how
much more.[/QUOTE]
Excellent advice. To clarify a bit: Also don't be surprised to see
SOME pagefile usage at all times. Let it monitor for you and if it
provides a real time display of the pagefile, that might be useful too.
If the pagefile jumps to a Gig one time for a fewe seconds and then is
released, it might not be a big problem. But it if's several hundred
Meg for very long, or always, you could benefit from more RAM. My own
pf stays right about 200 Meg and seldom changes very much unless I do
some heavy video rendering. But the size of your pf depends on several
different things.
I don't know the recommended program but look to see if there isn't
advice with it telling you how to interpret the results; there should
be, and based on who recommended it, I would expect there to be. If not
there are other good pagefile monitors around; just come back and ask.